Using Online Interactive Forms
The General Assistance Application is being used as an example to demonstrate the use of Adobe Acrobat created forms. The form is available as part of the GA Manual Online.
When you open the form from MMAs web site, you should be given the choice of saving it to disk or opening it. Save it to your machine! Save it into a folder or location where you can access it over and over again.
If you have an earlier Adobe Reader, you may need to upgrade to version 4.0 or higher to be able to use all of the features.
The changes that you make to the form will not be saved unless you have Adobe Acrobat, the program that creates the PDF forms.
The form has fields inserted into it so that when the changes to a cursor (for text or numbers) or a pointing finger (for check boxes), you will know that you can begin making entries.
The GA Application also has some calculated fields. You can tell if the fields are totaling because there will be numbers in them (usually 00.00). Fields are also formatted so that social security numbers or dates, for example, will automatically add the dashes or slashes as needed.
Drop-down Menu Check Boxes
Computed as data is entered
Note specifically for General Assistance Application:
[If you can enter the Overall Maximum Level of Assistance Allowed (line A) before entering data, the math event will subtract from and compare that number.]