Dear Municipal General Assistance Administrator,
The Maine Welfare Directors Association would like to invite you to join this statewide supportive organization. It is open to all who administer General Assistance in the State of Maine.
We are a supportive group of administrators who can help each other and can help you administer your program by standardized administration of General Assistance and to encourage the professional development of General Assistance Administrators.
We meet three times a year to conduct business, discuss common problems, explore legislative issues, share ideas and listen to various speakers about a variety of important subjects that may affect your community and clients.
By joining the Association:
You will gain knowledge of resources
Get answers to your questions regarding General Assistance administration
Get support from fellow administrators to minimize burnout
Have strength in unity of the group
Recommend and support legislation affecting GA
Discount on upcoming seminars
May become certified as a Welfare Administrator
Have access to quarterly newsletters to help you administer your program
The membership is $40 a year per person, payable to Maine Welfare Directors Association. For more information and to receive a schedule of our upcoming meetings and workshops, please contact MMA 1-800-452-8786. Your participation in this very worthwhile organization will reinforce your professionalism in administering General Assistance in your community.
The Membership Committee